Linear State Feedback Control of a Furuta Pendlum Considering a Delayed Nature on the Feedback Loop

Participating Institutions:

Laboratory of Robotics, School of Engineering, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Laboratoire des Signaux et Systémes L2S (UMR CNRS 8506), CNRS CentraleSupelec-Université Paris-Sud

A.1- Free Motion Behavior of the Furuta Pendulum.

A.2-Controlled Motion with no Delay on the Feedback Loop.

A.3- Controlled Motion with a 50% Delay of the Critical Delay Value.

A.4- Controlled Motion with a 90% Delay of the Critical Delay Value.

A.5- Unstable Response of the Furuta Pendulum with a Critical Delay Value.

A.6- Smooth Time Delay Variation of the System Transient Response from 0% to the Critical Delay Value (Up-Nonlinear Model, Down-Linear Model).

The development of this work it is currently submited to revision for the COMRob-17 under the title: "Linear State Feedback Control of a Furuta Pendlum Considering a Delayed Nature on the Feedback Loop"..