Effects of change of use of land on an aquifer in a tectonically active region

Carranco-Lozada Simon Eduardo, Ramos-Leal Jose Alfredo, Noyola-Medrano Cristina, Moran-Ramirez Janete, Lopez-Alvarez Briseida, Lopez-Quiroz Penelope, Aranda-Gomez Jose Jorge
Natural Science, 5(2A): 259-267. , 2013.


This paper shows the effects caused by the combination of two factors: an anthropic factor and one natural. The leading causes of imbalance in the subsoil due to the drawdown of the aquifer is reflected on the surface with the appearance of cracks on the ground, then came the lateral and vertical movements called faulting. This geological phenomenon is due to a pattern of orientation is associated with a regional fault system, lateral movement is almost imperceptible but the vertical displacement becomes important because it is the most conspicuous and be responsible for the damage caused to the urban infrastructure, vertical faulting is related to the drawdown generated by the intense extraction of groundwater. The demand for groundwater, increasing year by year in the past four decades because of the change in land use, the most significant change was the shift from rain feed crop to irrigated crop agriculture, this change in land use occurred on Celaya’s Valley between year period 1976-2009 was quantified by use of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS).