1. A. I. Vázquez, F. J. Almazán, M. R. Cruz, J. A. Delgadillo, I. Lázaro, C. Ojeda, I. Rodríguez (2010) Characterization of a Multiple-Channel Electrochemical Cell by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Residence Time distribution (RTD), ECS Transactions, 29 (1) 215-223. ISSN: 1938-5862
2. A. I. Vázquez, C. Gerónimo, I. González, R. Cruz, I. Lázaro, and I. Rodríguez (2010) Aspects that Modify the Dissolution of Aluminum Electrodes in an Effluent from the Tissue Paper Industry, ECS Transactions, 29 (1) 81-91. ISSN: 1938-5862
3. Eduardo Terrazas, Armando Vázquez, Roberto Briones, Isabel Lázaro, Israel Rodríguez (2010) EC treatment for reuse of tissue paper wastewater: Aspects that affect energy consumption, J. of Hazardous Materials, 181: 809-816. ISSN:0304-3894
4. Jorge Vazquez, Isabel Lázaro, Roel Cruz (2007) Electrochemical study of binary and ternary copper complexes in ammonia-chloride medium, Electrochimica Acta, 52: 6106-6117. ISSN: 0013-4686
DOI 10.1016/j.electacta.2007.03.062
5. Isabel Lázaro and Matthew Jeffrey (2006) A Rotating Disc Electrochemical Dual Autoclave for the Study of Electrochemistry and Leaching at High Temperature and Pressure. ECS Transactions, 2(3) 243-252. ISSN: 1938-5862
6. I. Lázaro and M. J. Nicol (2006), Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 36, 4: 425-431. DOI 10.1007/s10800-005-9089-4. ISSN: 0021-891X
7. Roel Cruz, Isabel Lázaro, Ignacio González, Marcos Monroy (2005) Acid dissolution of arsenopyrite influences bacterial attachment and mineral oxidation. Minerals Engineering, 18, 10, 1024-1031. DOI 10.1016/j.mineng.2005.01.015. ISSN: 0892-6875
8. A. L. Valdivieso, C. O. Escamilla, S. Song, I. L. Báez and González Martínez (2003) Adsorption of isopropyl xanthate ions on to arsenopyrite and its effect on flotation, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 1608 : 1-10. ISSN: 0301-7516
9. Isabel Lázaro and Michael J. Nicol (2002) The Role of EH Measurements in the Interpretation of the Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Oxidation and Leaching of Sulphide Minerals. Hydrometallurgy, 63 :15-22. ISSN: 0304-386X
10. Toniazzo, Valerie; Lázaro, Isabel; Humbert, Bernard and Mustin, Christian; (1999). Bioleaching of pyrite by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans: fixed grains electrode to study superficial oxidized compounds. C. R. Acad. Sci., Ser. IIa:Sci. Terre Planetes, 328, 8 :535-540. ISSN: 1631-0713
11. Lázaro, I., González, I., Cruz, R. And Monroy, M., (1997) Electrochemical Study of Orpiment (As2S3) and Realgar (As2S2) in Acidic Medium. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 144,12 : 4128-4132. ISSN: 0013-4651
12. Cruz, R., Lázaro, I., Rodríguez, J.M., Monroy, F. M. and González, I., (1997) Surface Characterization of Arsenopyrite in Acidic Medium by Triangular Scan Voltammetry on Carbon Paste Electrodes. Hydrometallurgy, 46, 3 : 303-319. ISSN: 0304-386X
13. Isabel Lázaro, Roel Cruz, Marcos Monroy and Ignacio González, (1996) Electrochemical Oxidation of arsenopyrite in acidic medium. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 50 : 63-75. ISSN: 0301-7516
14. I. Lázaro, N. Martínez-Medina, I. Rodríguez, E. Arce and I. González (1995) The use of carbon paste electrodes with non-conducting binder for the study of minerals: Chalcopyrite. Hydrometallurgy, 38, 3: 275-285. ISSN: 0304-386X
1. Gosch, R., Cruz, R., Lázaro, I. (2008) The combined effect of iron(III) and hydrogen peroxide for ferric sulfate leaching of a zinc sulfide concentrate. Hydrometallurgy 2008, proceedings of the sixth international symposium, Ed. Courtney A. Young, Patrick Taylor, Corby Anderson, Yenouk Choi. The Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration (SME): 1110-1118. ISBN:978-087335-266-6
2. Isabel Lázaro and Michael J. Nicol (2003) The role of non oxidative processes in the leaching of chalcopyrite, In P.A. Riveros, D.G. Dixon, D. B. Dreisinger, J. H. Menacho (Eds), Copper 2003-Cobre 2003 ,The Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (Santiago, Chile): 367-381. ISBN:1-894475-40-2
3. Isabel Lázaro and Michael J. Nicol (2003) The mechanism of the dissolution and passivation of chalcopyrite: an electrochemical study. In Young, Alfantazi, Anderson, James, Dreisinger, Harris (eds.): Hydrometallurgy 2003 – The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. (Vancouver , Canada) : 405-417. ISBN: 0-87339-554-9
4. Isabel Lázaro and Michael J. Nicol (2000) Some Aspects of the Electrochemistry of Chalcopyrite under Typical Leaching Conditions. In R. Woods, F.M. Doyle and S. Litch (eds.): Electrochemistry in Mineral and Metal Processing V - The Electrochemistry Society Publ. (Pennington, NJ, USA) : 217-230. ISBN: 978-1-56677-279-2
5. Cruz, R., Lázaro, I., Rodríguez, J., Monroy, M. and González, I. (1997)
An approach of Electrochemistry and Electrokinetics to study the Mechanisms involved in the oxidation of arsenopyrite by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Proceedings of International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium IBS’97 – BIOMINET 97 (Australian Mineral Foundation, Glenside, S. Australia) : M2.2.1 – M2.2.10. ISBN:0-908039-66-2
6. I. Lazaro, R. Cruz, I. González and M. Monroy (1996)
Electrochemical Study of Realgar and Orpiment in Acidic Medium. In R. Woods, F.M. Doyle and P.E. Richardson (eds.): Electrochemistry in Mineral and Metal Processing IV - The Electrochemistry Society Publ. (Pennington, NJ, USA) : 344-355. ISBN: 978-1-56677-157-3
7. Rodríguez, I. Lázaro, E. Arce and I. González (1994)
Electrochemical study of the processes involved in chalcopyrite leaching in nitric acid. En I. Wilkorminsky, M. Sánchez and C. Hecker (eds.) Proceedings IV Encuentro del Hemisferio Sur sobre Tecnología Mineral. Volume, Vol. III, Chemical Metallurgy, University of Concepcion, (Concepcion, Chile) 281-286. ISBN: 956-227-104-8
8. I. Lázaro, I. Rodríguez, E. Arce and I. González.(1994)
Application of carbon paste electrodes with non conducting binder to the electrochemical study of mineral leaching (Case: Chalcopyrite-HCl). En I. Wilkorminsky, M. Sánchez and C. Hecker (eds.) Proceedings IV Encuentro del Hemisferio Sur sobre Tecnología Mineral. Volume, Vol. III, Chemical Metallurgy, University of Concepcion, (Concepcion, Chile) 299-304.
ISBN: 956-227-104-8
Datos obtenidos a través de consulta en el sistema Web of Science y Scholar Goggle.
I. Lázaro and M. J. Nicol (2006) A Rotating Ring-Disk Study of the Initial Stages of the Anodic Dissolution of Chalcopyrite in Acidic Solutions, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 36, 4: 425-431.
Citado en:
Roel Cruz, Isabel Lázaro, Ignacio González, Marcos Monroy (2005) Acid dissolution of arsenopyrite influences bacterial attachment and mineral oxidation. Minerals Engineering, 18, 10, 1024-1031
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A. L. Valdivieso, C. O. Escamilla, S. Song, I. L. Báez and I. González Martínez (2003) Adsorption of isopropyl xanthate ions on to arsenopyrite and its effect on flotation, Int. J. of Min. Process. 1608 : 1-10
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3. Zhou, L.., Li, H. (2008) Mixed potential oscillations in the dissolution of galena in ferric sulfate solution, Minerals and Metallurgical Processing.,25 (4): 211-214.
4. Ballester A., Blázquez M. L.., González F., Muñoz J. A. (2007) Catalytic Role of Silver and Other Ions on The Mechanism of Chemical and Biological Leaching, Microbial Processing of Metal Sulfides, Springer Netherlands (Ed.): 77-101
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12. Senanayake G. (2005) A surface/adsorption reaction mechanism for gold oxidation by copper II in ammoniacal thiosulfate solutions. Journal of colloid and interface science, 286,1:253-257.
13. Senanayake, G. (2004) A mixed surface reaction kinetic model for the reductive leaching of manganese dioxide with acidic sulfur dioxide. Hydrometallurgy: 3-4, 215-224.
14. Senanayake, G. (2003) A surface reaction kinetic model to compare the reductive leaching of iron to goethite. Metallurgical and materials transactions , 34B, 735-738
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Toniazzo, Valerie; Lázaro, Isabelle, Humbert, Bernard and Mustin, Christian; (1999). Bioleaching of pyrite by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans: fixed grains electrode to study superficial oxidized compounds. C. R. Acad. Sci., Ser. IIa:Sci. Terre Planetes, 328, 8 :535-540.
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5. Denise Bevilaqua, Heloisa A. Acciari, Assis V. Benedetti and Oswaldo Garcia Jr (2007) Electrochemical Techniques Used To Study BacteriaL-Metal Sulfides Interactions In Acidic Environments Biological Leaching, Microbial Processing of Metal Sulfides, Springer Netherlands (Ed.): 59-76
Lázaro, I., González, I., Cruz, R. And Monroy, M., (1997) Electrochemical Study of Orpiment (As2S3) and Realgar (As2S2) in Acidic Medium. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 144,12 : 4128-4132.
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3. Lengke M. F. and Tempel R. N. (2003) Natural realgar and amorphous AsS oxidation kinetics, Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 67, 5, 859-871.
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8. de Pinho Mauricio, Marcos Henrique; Nunes, Raul Almeida; Barbosa Filho, Olavo. Congresso Anual - Associacao Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiais (2000), 55th 292-299.
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2. Makita M, Esperon M, Pereyra B. (2004) Reduction of arsenic content in a complex galena concentrate by acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, BMC Biotechnology, 4: 22.
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Cruz, R., Lázaro, I., Rodríguez, J.M., Monroy, F. M. and González, I., (1997) Surface Characterization of Arsenopyrite in Acidic Medium by Triangular Scan Voltammetry on Carbon Paste Electrodes. Hydrometallurgy : 46, 3: 303-319.
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3. Achimovikova M. , Balaz P. (2005) Influence of mechanical activation on selectivity of acid leaching of arsenopyrite, Hydrometallurgy, 77, 1-2: 3-7.
6. Lin, Mei; Seed, Leonard; Chesworth, Ward; Fyfe, Joseph; Brousseau, Rejean; Shelp, Gene (2001) Electrochemical treatment of pyrrhotite-rich tailings--a laboratory study. Mine Water and the Environment, 20, 1: 8-16
7. Malatt, K. A. (1999) Bacterial oxidation of pure arsenopyrite by a mixed culture. Process Metallurgy, 9A (Biohydrometallurgy and the Environment Towards the Mining of the 21st Century, Pt. A), 411-421.
I. Lázaro, N. Martínez-Medina, I. Rodríguez, E. Arce and I. González. (1995) The use of carbon paste electrodes with non-conducting binder for the study of minerals: Chalcopyrite. Hydrometallurgy, 38, 3 : 275-285.
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7. Denise Bevilaqua, Heloisa A. Acciari, Assis V. Benedetti and Oswaldo Garcia Jr (2007) Electrochemical Techniques Used To Study BacteriaL-Metal Sulfides Interactions In Acidic Environments Biological Leaching, Microbial Processing of Metal Sulfides, Springer Netherlands (Ed.): 59-76
12. Bevilaqua D., Diez-Perez I., Fugivara C.S. (2004) Oxidative dissolution of chalcopyrite by acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans analyzed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and atomic force, Bioelectrochemistry, 64: 79-84
13. M. Benzaazoua, P. Marion, I. Picquet and B. Bussière (2004) The use of pastefill as a solidification and stabilization process for the control of acid mine drainage, Minerals Engineering, 17(2): Pages 233-243
14. Antonijevic M.M., Bogdanovic G.D. (2004) Investigation of the leaching of chalcopyritic ore in acidic solutions, Hydrometallurgy, 73: 245-256.
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19. Lu Z.Y., Jeffrey M.I. and Lawson F. (2000) An electrochemical study of the effect of chloride ions on the dissolution of chalcopyrite in acidic solutions, Hydrometallurgy, 56, 2: 145-155.
1. Isabel Lázaro y Michael J. Nicol (2000) Disolución de calcopirita en medio ácido: Un mecanismo aun sin resolver. Memorias del Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Electroquímica – SIBAE 2000. Memorias en CD-ROM.
1. Armando Vázquez, Israel Rodríguez, Isabel Lázaro (2009) Selección y uso de una celda de electrocoagulación analizando distribución primaria de corriente y potencial. Memorias del XXIV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica, Puerto Vallarta, Memorias en CD-ROM.
2. Roel Cruz, Karla Hernández, Donato Valdez, Isabel Lázaro, Jorge Vázquez (2009) Efecto del sustrato en la reducción de zinc a partir de soluciones de NH4Cl, Memorias del XXIV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica, Puerto Vallarta, Memorias en CD-ROM.
3. Hugo Aguilera, Isabel Lázaro, Marcos Monroy (2006) Estudio diagnóstico de la lixiviación del cobre contenido en menas de baja ley de Mexicana de Cananea. Memorias del Congreso Internacional de Metalurgia Extractiva 2006.
4. Eduardo Terrazas, Omar González, Isabel Lázaro, Israel Rodríguez (2005) Estudio prospectivo para el tratamiento de agua proveniente de la industria de papel. Memorias del XX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica, Morelos. Memorias en CD-ROM.
5. Isabel Lázaro (2004) Jornadas electroquímicas: “Introducción a la técnica de disco-anillo rotatorio. Memorias del XIX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica, Monterrey, San Luis Potosí, SLP. Memorias en CD-ROM.
6. Marcos Monroy, Roberto Galván, Isabel Lázaro, Carlos Lara (2003). Biolixiviación de concentrados de calcopirita por bacterias termófilas extremas: Productos y procesos implicados. Memorias del X Congreso Nacional de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería. Memorias en CD-ROM.
7. Isabel Lázaro y Michael J. Nicol (2002) Electroquímica del proceso de lixiviación de calcopirita. Memorias del XVII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica, Monterrey, Nuevo León. Memorias en CD-ROM.
8. Cruz, G. R., Lázaro, B. I., Rodríguez, J. M., Monroy, F. M. y González, M. I., (1997). Una aproximación electroquímica y electrocinética para estudiar los mecanismos involucrados en la oxidación de arsenopirita por Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Memorias XII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica, Guanajuato, Gto.:298-303.
9. A. Nicolás, E. M. Arce, I. González, I. Lázaro (1996) Estudio electroquímico de la lixiviación de la calcocita. Memorias del XI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica, Jalapa Ver. :175-179
10. I. Cisneros-González, I. Lázaro, M. T. Oropeza, I. González. (1996) Caracterización electroquímica de un concetrado de esfalerita mediante la técnica de voltamperometría ciclica. Memorias del XI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica, Jalapa -Ver. :190-193
11. R. Antaño, I. Lázaro, M. Miranda-Hernández, L. Galicia, I. González (1996).
Manual de prácticas de impedancia para sistemas electroquímicos. Memorias del XI congreso Nacional de la SME, Jalapa-Ver. : 233-235
12. Lázaro, I., Cruz, R., Monroy, M. y González, I., (1995) Estudio electroquímico de Arsenopirita en medio ácido. Memorias del X Congreso Nacional en Electroquímica : 163-168.
13. Cruz, R., Lázaro, I., Monroy, M. y González, I., (1995) Caracterización superficial de la Arsenopirita por métodos electroquímicos. Memorias del X Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquímica : 172-177.
14. Isabel Lázaro, Elsa Arce, Ignacio González (1994) Electrodos de pasta de carbono (con aglomerante no conductor), una alternativa para el estudio de procesos hidrometalúrgicos. Memorias VIII Simposio de Estudiantes de posgrado \"Fernando Romo\", Facultad de Química, UNAM :113-119.
15. Israel Rodríguez, Isabel Lázaro, Elsa Arce, Ignacio González (1994) Estudio Electroquímico de los procesos involucrados en la lixiviación de calcopirita en ácido nítrico. Memorias VIII Simposio de Estudiantes de posgrado \"Fernando Romo\", Facultad de Química, UNAM : 120-124.
16. Isabel Lázaro e Ignacio González (1994) Estudio del Polisulfuro formado en la oxidación de calcopirita en HCl, utilizando electrodos de pasta de carbono con aglomerante no conductor. Memorias IX Congreso Nacional de Electroquímica, 16 al 18 Agosto 1994, Cuautla Morelos: 108-113.