• Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Guanajuato, México, 2007 – 2010.
Thesis: Analysis of a Flexible Circular Cylinder Mounted on a Flat Plate Partially
Immersed in a Laminar Boundary Layer”. December 17, 2010. Graduated with
honours, “Laureate”.
• M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Guanajuato, México, 2002 –
2004. Thesis: Experimental Analysis of the Shift Angle Between Sinusoidal Plates
in Compact Heat Exchangers. December 16, 2004. Graduated with honours,
• B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Guanajuato, México, 1996 - 2002.
Thesis: Analysis of the Comfort in the Low-Income Housing Projects at Salamanca,
Guanajuato. September 10, 2002.
• F. Oviedo-Tolentino, R. Romero-Mendez, F.G. Pérez-Gutiérrez, G. Gutiérrez-Urueta, H. Méndez-Azúa, \"Effect of the inlet Flow Angle on the Vortex Induced Vibration of a Collinear Array of Flexible Cylinders\", Experimental and Computational Fluid Mechanics, Environmental Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00116-6_25, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2014).
• F. Oviedo-Tolentino, R. Romero-Méndez, A. Hernández-Guerrero, F.G. Pérez-Gutiérrez, \"Vortex-induced vibration of a collinear array of bottom fixed flexible cylinders\", Journal of Fluids and Structures 39 (2013) 1-14.
• E. Campos-Cortez, F.G. Pérez-Gutierrez, F. Oviedo-Tolentino, J.P. Padilla-Martínez, R. Romero-Méndez, G. Aguilar, \"Numerical Calculation of the Shear Stress Generated by the Flow Field Induced by an Oscillating Bubble Berween Two Solid Boundaries\", International Journal of Thermophysics 33 (2012) 2217-2221.
• F. Oviedo-Tolentino, R. Romero-Mendez, A. Hernandez-Guerrero, J.M. Luna, “Flow Induced Oscillation of a Set-In Circular Cylinder”, 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE09), November 13-19, 2009 Lake Buena Vista Florida, ISBN 978-0-7918-3863-1.
• F. Oviedo-Tolentino, R. Romero-Méndez, A. Hernández-Guerrero, B. Girón-Palomares, “Use of Diverging or Converging Arrangement of Plates for the Control of Chaotic Mixing in Symmetric Sinusoidal Plate Channels”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 33 (2009) 208–214.
• B. Girón-Palomares, A. Hernández-Guerrero, R. Romero-Méndez, F. Oviedo-Tolentino, “An Experimental Analysis of the Flow Pattern in Heat Exchangers with an Egg Carton Configuration (Parallel, Convergent and Divergent Cases), International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 30 (2009) 158–171.
• Francisco Oviedo-Tolentino, Ricardo Romero-Méndez, Abel Hernández- Guerrero, Benjamín Girón-Palomares, “Experimental Study of Fluid Flow in the Entrance of a Sinusoidal Channel”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 29 (2008) 1233–1239.
• Girón-Palomares, B., Romero-Méndez, R., Hernández-Guerrero, A., Oviedo-Tolentino, “An Experimental Study of The Flow Pattern between Corrugated Plates with The Egg-Carton Configuration”, Proceedings of the XII National Conference of the Mexican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Acapulco, Mexico, September 2006.
• Oviedo-Tolentino F., Romero-Méndez R., Hernández-Guerrero A. and Girón-Palomares B., “Experimental Study of Flow in a Compact Heat Exchanger with Sinusoidal Plates,” Annals of Mechanical Engineering, Magazine of the Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering, Year 15, Vol. 3, Pags. 2163-2171, ISSN:0212-5072, December, 2004.
• Girón-Palomares B., Romero-Méndez R., Hernández-Guerrero A. and Oviedo-Tolentino F., 2004, “Visualization of the Pattern Flow in a Heat Exchanger with Egg-Carton Configuration,” Annals of Mechanical Engineering, Magazine of the Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering, Year 15, Vol. 3, Pags. 2115-2123, ISSN: 0212-5072, December, 2004.
• Oviedo-Tolentino F., Rubio-Arana C., 2003 “Analysis of the Comfort in Low- Inco-me Housing Projects at Salamanca”. IX Annual Congress of the Mexican Society of Mechanical Engineering, Veracruz, Veracruz, September 3-5, 2003.
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Guanajuato, México, 2007 – 2010. Thesis: Analysis of a Flexible Circular Cylinder Mounted on a Flat Plate Partially Immersed in a Laminar Boundary Layer”. December 17, 2010. Graduated with honours, “Laureate”.
• M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Guanajuato, México, 2002 –2004. Thesis: Experimental Analysis of the Shift Angle Between Sinusoidal Plates in Compact Heat Exchangers. December 16, 2004. Graduated with honours, “Laureate”.
• B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Guanajuato, México, 1996 - 2002. Thesis: Analysis of the Comfort in the Low-Income Housing Projects at Salamanca, Guanajuato. September 10, 2002.
Flow Visualization, Numerical Methods in Termofluids, Experimental Methods in Termofluids, Thermodynamics, Cryogenics, Compact Heat Exchangers and Fluid-Structure Interactions Problems.
• Heat Transfer, Thermal Systems and Power Plants, School of Engineering, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. October 2011- December 2011.
• Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Power Plants, School of Engineering, Technologic Institute of Celaya. January 2011- October 2006.
• Assistant Professor, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Power Plants, School ofEngineering, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. January 2005- January 2006.
• Assistant Professor, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Power Plants, School of Engineering, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. January 2005- January 2006.
• F. Oviedo-Tolentino, R. Romero-Mendez, F.G. Pérez-Gutiérrez, G. Gutiérrez-Urueta, H. Méndez-Azúa, \"Effect of the inlet Flow Angle on the Vortex Induced Vibration of a Collinear Array of Flexible Cylinders\", Experimental and Computational Fluid Mechanics, Environmental Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00116-6_25, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2014).
• F. Oviedo-Tolentino, R. Romero-Méndez, A. Hernández-Guerrero, F.G. Pérez-Gutiérrez, \"Vortex-induced vibration of a collinear array of bottom fixed flexible cylinders\", Journal of Fluids and Structures 39 (2013) 1-14.
• E. Campos-Cortez, F.G. Pérez-Gutierrez, F. Oviedo-Tolentino, J.P. Padilla-Martínez, R. Romero-Méndez, G. Aguilar, \"Numerical Calculation of the Shear Stress Generated by the Flow Field Induced by an Oscillating Bubble Berween Two Solid Boundaries\", International Journal of Thermophysics 33 (2012) 2217-2221.
• F. Oviedo-Tolentino, R. Romero-Mendez, A. Hernandez-Guerrero, J.M. Luna, “Flow Induced Oscillation of a Set-In Circular Cylinder”, 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE09), November 13-19, 2009 Lake Buena Vista Florida, ISBN 978-0-7918-3863-1.
• F. Oviedo-Tolentino, R. Romero-Méndez, A. Hernández-Guerrero, B. Girón-Palomares, “Use of Diverging or Converging Arrangement of Plates for the Control of Chaotic Mixing in Symmetric Sinusoidal Plate Channels”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 33 (2009) 208–214.
• B. Girón-Palomares, A. Hernández-Guerrero, R. Romero-Méndez, F. Oviedo-Tolentino, “An Experimental Analysis of the Flow Pattern in Heat Exchangers with an Egg Carton Configuration (Parallel, Convergent and Divergent Cases), International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 30 (2009) 158–171.
• Francisco Oviedo-Tolentino, Ricardo Romero-Méndez, Abel Hernández- Guerrero,Benjamín Girón-Palomares, “Experimental Study of Fluid Flow in the Entrance of a Sinusoidal Channel”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 29 (2008) 1233–1239.
• Girón-Palomares, B., Romero-Méndez, R., Hernández-Guerrero, A., Oviedo-Tolentino, “An Experimental Study of The Flow Pattern between Corrugated Plates with The Egg-Carton Configuration”, Proceedings of the XII National Conference of the Mexican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Acapulco, Mexico, September 2006.
• Oviedo-Tolentino F., Romero-Méndez R., Hernández-Guerrero A. and Girón-Palomares B., “Experimental Study of Flow in a Compact Heat Exchanger with Sinusoidal Plates,” Annals of Mechanical Engineering, Magazine of the Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering, Year 15, Vol. 3, Pags. 2163-2171, ISSN: 0212-5072, December, 2004.
• Girón-Palomares B., Romero-Méndez R., Hernández-Guerrero A. and Oviedo-Tolentino F., 2004, “Visualization of the Pattern Flow in a Heat Exchanger with Egg-Carton Configuration,” Annals of Mechanical Engineering, Magazine of the Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering, Year 15, Vol. 3, Pags. 2115-2123, ISSN: 0212-5072, December, 2004.
• Oviedo-Tolentino F., Rubio-Arana C., 2003 “Analysis of the Comfort in Low- Income Housing Projects at Salamanca”. IX Annual Congress of the Mexican Society of Mechanical Engineering, Veracruz, Veracruz, September 3-5, 2003.
• Member of the National System of Invetigators (SNI), Candidate for the period 01/01/2012-31/12/2014.
• Awarded a Scholarship by CONACYT (National Council in Science and Technology) to study the PhD Degree, October 2006-December 2009.
• Attendance to the Summer School Titled: “Modern Tendencies in Heat Transfer”, Engineering School, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, July 5-9, 2004.
• Awarded a Scholarship by CONACYT (National Council in Science and Technology) to study the Masters Degree, October 2002-September 2004.
• Attendance to the Summer School Titled: “Modern Tendencies of Heat Transfer”, Engineering School, Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, July 5-9, 2003.