Profesor Investigador de Tiempo Completo

Dr. José Ignacio Núñez Varela

José Núñez obtuvo su grado de doctor en ciencias de la computación por la Universidad de Birmingham, Reino Unido (2013), y su maestría en ciencias de la computación por la Universidad de Pittsburgh, E.U.A. (2006). Él es ahora profesor-investigador de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen robótica inteligente, toma de decisiones bajo incertidumbre, aprendizaje de máquina y control de la vista (gaze control).

Jose Nunez-Varela earned his Ph.D. (2013) in Computer Science from the University of Birmingham, and his M.S. (2006) in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh. He is now a faculty member of the School of Engineering at the Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico. His research interests include decision-making under uncertainty and gaze control.

PhD Computer Science, University of Birmingham, 2013
MSc Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh, 2006
Computer Engineering, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, 2002

My research interests lie in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications to Robotics. In particular, decision making under uncertainty and gaze control. I am also interested in machine learning and neurocomputation. During my Ph.D. I worked with Dr. Jeremy Wyatt in the formulation of mathematical models of gaze control for the selection of fixation locations during manipulation actions.

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Delgado-Galvan, J., Navarro-Ramirez, A., Nunez-Varela, J., Puente-Montejano, C., and Martinez-Perez, F. Vision-Based Humanoid Robot Navigation in a Featureless Environment. 7th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition (MCPR2015). Mexico City, June 2015

Marmolejo-Pereira, D., Martinez-Perez, F., Nunez-Varela, J., Perez-Gonzalez, H., Nava-Munoz, S., Cardenas-Galindo, A., and Ramirez-Aguilera, F. Monitoring Healthcare Activities Toward Automatic Recognition Using Accelerometers. 7o. Congreso Intl. en Ciencias Computacionales (CICOMP). Ensenada, Mexico, November 2014

Nunez-Varela, J. and Wyatt, J. L. Models of Gaze Control for Manipulation Tasks. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 4(10), October 2012

Nunez-Varela, J., Ravindran, B., and Wyatt, J. L. Gaze Allocation Analysis for a Visually Guided Manipulation Task. 12th International Conference on Adaptive Behavior (SAB 2012). Odense, Denmark, August 2012

Nunez-Varela, J., and Wyatt, J. L. Gaze Allocation During Visually Guided Manipulation, 2nd Joint AVA/BMVA Annual Meeting, Cambridge, UK. Perception 41(10), p.1270, 2012

Nunez-Varela, J., Ravindran, B., and Wyatt, J. L. Where Do I Look Now? Gaze Allocation During Visually Guided Manipulation. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE Press, Minnesota, USA, May 2012

Nunez-Varela Jose I. Visually Guided Control in Concurrent Decision Making Problems, York Doctoral Symposium, University of York, UK. November 2010

Nunez-Varela Jose I. A High Level Language Based on Rules for the RoboCup Soccer Simulator, 4th Latin America IEEE Robotic Symposium / IX Congreso Mexicano de Robotica, Monterrey, México, November 2007

Cuevas Tello J. C., Nunez Varela J. I., Puente Montejano C. Intelligent and Robust Method for Shape Recognition, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications - IASTED, Austria, February 2004

Nunez-Varela Jose I. Inteligencia Digital, Revista Universitarios Potosinos, UASLP, San Luis Potosí, México, Noviembre 2009

Nunez-Varela Jose I. Robots que Juegan Futbol: Un Problema para la Inteligencia Artificial y la Robótica, Revista Universitarios Potosinos, UASLP, San Luis Potosí, México, Junio 2007

Ph.D. Thesis:
Nunez-Varela Jose I. Gaze Control for Visually Guided Manipulation, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, June 2013

Master Thesis:
Nunez-Varela Jose I. Development of a High Level Language Based on Rules for the RoboCup Soccer Simulator, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, April 2006.
Current research projects:
+ Mobile Robot Localization, Mapping and Navigation in Closed Environments (Localización, Mapeo y Navegación de Robots Móviles en Ambientes Cerrados Complejos) (PRODEP No. DSA/103.5/14/10476)

+ Mobile Robot Navigation using Models of Gaze Control (Navegación de Robots Móviles Utilizando Modelos para el Control de la Visión) (FAI-UASLP No. C14-FAI-04-18.18)

+ Smart Vision (Coordinación de Módulos de Control Guiados Visualmente en un Marco de Toma de Decisiones para Robots Humanoides) (CONACyT No. 177041)

+ PaCMan: Probabilistic and Compositional Representations for Object Manipulation (FP7-ICT-600918)

Past research projects:
+ Reinforcement Learning of Visual Routines in Autonomous Systems (UKIERI No. SA06-0031)
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